About Elevar Consulting

Who We Are

Elevar Consulting is a woman- and Latina-owned business that provides Marketing support to entrepreneurs.

Our team works with global brands to support their advertising, marketing, and sales operations, fostering sustainable and organic growth for your business. Our approach elevates your current efforts, positioning your customers as the core of every recommendation and service we deliver.

Meet Founder

With over a decade of experience, Jennifer is not new to the world of marketing and business. After obtaining her degree in marketing, Jennifer ventured through corporate positions and gained valuable experience as a Regional Sales Manager, Corporate Event Planner, and even as a Marketing Manager for a major global shipping agency. 

Jennifer’s passion has always been to optimize and ensure efficiency, leading her to conceptualize Elevar, an agency that empowers entrepreneurs and business leaders with the knowledge and resources they require to navigate today’s modern marketing landscape. 

Jennifer Cubas

Learn More About Our Services

As consultants, we’re proud to offer years of experience and proven business strategies that develop your brand, enhance your current marketing strategies, and provide you with more robust tools. Here are the key areas of support that we can provide for your brand.

Business Consulting and Support
Content Creation
Website optimization And Redesign